Thursday, January 16, 2014

Order me a drink, you know what I like

Haven't written for a while, now have I? I recently got Netflix and that's been a real drain on any motivation that I may have had to write, or live my life.  But have no fear, I'm here, my babies. 

Some good has come from Netflix, though. I've come to the conclusion I am no longer interested in one's run of the mill relationship!  I'm more interested in a companionship.  Please see refer to The Doctor and his companion (primarily Rose), or Sherlock and Dr. John Watson, as references.

Anyway, during a NSFW email chain, including this picture:

I was made aware that my personalized cocktail name is called Flying Cum.  A dear, sweet person in my life rapidly went into a Marketing frenzy to capitalize what could be a very lucrative busy venture (I assume this was his reasoning) and volia, a materpiece for the ages was born:
Please note, although this photo is of the highest quality, it is completely photoshopped.  Had this been a real [sticky] situation, I like to believe my demeanor would be drastically different.


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