Is there anything more beautiful than a relationship between a woman and a cat? The answer is no. The love between the two is so pure, so unadulterated - no other man, woman, child, can compare. Now of course, as it has been established, I am writing this as a single woman with no children SO my opinion may be slightly skewed. What's odd about my skewed perception is the fact that I don't have a cat, either. I just infinitely admire their lifestyles and loyalty. Their passions are simple and beautiful, and I have said many times, and will say a million more before I die alone, I want to be a house cat in my next life. My days will be spent lying in the sunlight reflected through the windows of my owners house. I will single-handedly be responsible for making a lonely spinster's life better.
Following suit of our earlier generations and the stereotype set forth by Homeward Bound, men don't seem to understand this love affair. Is there anything more attractive than a man with a dog, who he loves more whole-heartly than he could ever love me? No, but we are not talking about being attractive. Men have made the relationship between cats and the woman who love them a social stigma. This is my pledge to always have a cat first, and hopefully a boyfriend, man-friend, dare I say... husband, second. A cat will never leave you for some slut with a rocking bod - they just don't care about that sort of thing.
Katye Kat